20 September 2010

Victoria Peak

This weekend I realized how much I truly love and miss the mountains. I went to one of the most popular spots in Hong Kong referred to as "the Peak." It is literally a mountain right next to downtown Hong Kong. This is the famous view that people come from all across the world to see.

 The sad part is that it wasn't foggy the day I went, that is pollution. I think that is why I loved being up there so much though. The air was fresher and the noises of the city were muted. My friend Carrie told me that she described Hong Kong as being New York built on top of a rain forest which is the absolute perfect description. 

My favorite part of visiting the Peak was the trail that went in a circle around the top of the mountain. It was about a 45 minute walk through the most tropical surroundings. There was even a waterfall which really just put it over the top for me, I love waterfalls.

Last but not least on our walk we found this tree that is used to produce latex. It looked so cool hanging over the trail, nothing like a tree you would find in Utah.

Then we took the tram back down the super steep track into the polluted city I currently call home. I wish I could have stayed on the Peak forever though. It really was even better than I described. You have to experience it to understand. No wonder the world's most expensive house is built on this mountain. Yes, there is a $900,000,000 house built here.


  1. Carrie as in Carrie Colton? No picture?

  2. Yes as in Carrie Colton. I love her. No picture on my camera, but we do have something in the works for you.
