07 September 2010

So different here.

Lots of things are really different here. Little things mostly. Here is a small list of the ones I can thing of at this moment.
  • I take cold showers instead of hot. By choice.
  • Cars drive on the left side of the road which makes looking for cars before crossing the street an extremely difficult task.
  • Raining doesn't mean sprinkling, it means typhoon.
  • Full-time gardeners work on the campus of CityU.
  • People driving semi-trucks don't wear shirts.
  • McDonald's, KFC, and other restaurants have delivery 24 hours.
  • Everybody uses public transportation. Cars are super rare.
  • Super faded, washed out jeans are the thing to wear.
  • Nobody is blonde, except the albino asian I saw at the mall yesterday.
  • I do my hair curly every day and even with gel it looks like an afro.
Those are just a few that I've noticed for now. But stuff is funny here. My favorite part is the English words and phrases that the Chinese people use. For example they always say seldom. They also love to call everything a gathering.
Me: "Hey pa-pa, how was your weekend at home?"
Patryk: "Good, lots of gatherings with my friends from secondary school."
This was another one of my favorite conversations.
Me: "Is he a player?"
Oscar: "No, he is very pure."
I'm trying to incorporate these words into my vocabulary more because I really like the way they use them. It's nice to use words that seldom get used. Hahaa.

Okay now one last thing. Last night I went with my friend Mabel to Mong Kok for dinner and we ended up spur of the moment going to get our nails done all fancy the way that people in Hong Kong typically do. Meaning lots of glitter, lots of jewels, way too long. It was a great experience. Here are some pictures of our adventure.

Oh and here was a nice hobo on the side of the road with a headset and portable speaker singing and playing guitar for money. The homeless here are usually all missing a body part and they usually still try to actually do something to earn the money not just scam people like the ones in the states.


  1. This is awesome. I'm totally jealous that you get to have these experiences. Most of your list sounds really nice. Especially the 24 hour delivery service.

  2. Loved the nails girl way to go. Also, the use of pure was simply fantastic. I can't wait to start using that. And I totally get what you mean when you say typhoon, Florida doesn't mess around with rain either I kind of hate it. Continue having fun, I'm going to read your newest blog now =)
